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Patana’s Design Council, a student-led organisation founded in 2018, aims to create a better school environment by solving problems through design and contributing to a wider community. We have a shared passion for innovation and design-orientated problem-solving. From birdhouses to child-safe tape dispensers, our solutions are sustainable and socially responsible. We design with our mission statement in mind. 


“The Design Council is more than just a club – it’s also a medium whereby students can celebrate their creativity and engage in STEM initiatives in a nurturing and collaborative environment.” says one of our founding members. 


In the long run, we hope to raise awareness on the importance of solving problems through design amongst Patana students. Our club members are highly encouraged to experiment and learn new skills, ranging from technical skills such as CAD/CAM to collaboration skills. We are open to new members from Year 7 upwards through the ECA program, from Monday 2.30pm-3.30pm!

Industrial Designer
Marble Surface

Our Aims & Goals


Create better school environment


Contribute to the local community by identifying design opportunities


Sustainable Innovation and Socially Responsible Design


Develop awareness for the importance of solving problems through design among students at Patana

Who can Join?

Anyone who is

- Attending Bangkok Patana School

- In Year 7 - 13

- Enjoy designing and making and wish to develop their skills beyond their D+T lessons

Sign up on  Monday ECA "Design Council"


ECA takes place on Monday from 2:30pm - 3:30pm at TEC103 in the D+T department

How to Join?



Student, Parents, Teachers can send through any project requests regarding any design-based difficulties faced around school! Please be aware that not all requested projects will be completed, but they will all be considered!

Examples of requested projects include: bird boxes and bat boxes for outdoor classroom renovation, pamphlet holders for the Hub, and foundation stage roof garden design. 


This form can also be for any design opportunities outside of school within Thailand that you wish we enter. :)

Contact Us

Thank you for submitting!

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